We provide a large range of legal services, related to the preparation of:
We also offer the service of “Officer in Charge for the Personal Data Protection”/OCPDP/.
Our OCPDP service is orientated towards internal assistance on all matters, related to data protection process in companies and public authorities, as wells as matching the new requirements of GDPR. The OCPDP service comprises the protection of the personal data of our clients on one hand within the legal entity, and on another hand – the personal data of our customers’ clients and business contacts. Our service comprises all requirements of GDPR, which we shall assist to amend according to the specific needs of each separate business.
The administrators and the operators of personal data shall be able use our drafter/approved codes for certification, to provide fidelity in the provided services according to the peculiar needs of their business model, in view of requirements of GDPR. More info about GDPR: